Friday, May 19, 2017

The Truth of Real Politics

 Politics is a very controversial subject too talk about because it's based on people's personal beliefs. When something becomes "PERSONAL" it becomes "EMOTIONAL". When something becomes emotional we become "BIASED". And when we become biased our judgement becomes "CLOUDED"  and we don't think clearly. When this happens we only see and hear what we want too see and hear and that's the point of view we see fit. This is the problem a ton of us American citizens have when it comes to politics in this country. This is also why I chose to become an independent when it comes to politics. I'm not a registered Democrat or Republican. I chose to do this because I base my decisions on facts and truth not self developed bias.

During the 2016 Presidential election I will openly admit I voted 3rd party that I knew would not win the election. Why? Because first of all I feel it's my duty as an American citizen to vote because so many people fought and made sacrifices for people like me to be able to vote. Secondly I voted third party because I felt we had 2 candidates who I thought were unfit for presidency. I won't lie I wasn't buying any of their bull***t. I learned a long time ago the issue with politics is it's driven by money. Until you get money out of politics it'll never have the true best interest of American citizens. If you truly want to know what a politician stands for and what they're  "REALLY" about do one thing. "FOLLOW THEIR MONEY TRAIL" Forget the email scandal I don't have the time to talk about that But Hilary can't stand on that podium screaming middle class this, improving private sector jobs, blah blah blah. Your lobbyist we're big banks and big corporations so I know who your plans are gonna truly support. Those big banks and corporations didn't write those checks just for the tax write offs. I followed her money trail and saw past the bulls***t. Same thing with Trump forget the racist remarks, and contraversial statements  I saw past his bulls***t too. Plus he had no prior political experience and he wasn't just a bad businessman and entrepreneur he was a "TERRIBLE" businessman and entrepreneur. I knew both of these candidates were not fit for the White House. So as a person who has a tiny piece of power in the potential hiring of the president I refused to hire someone who's not fit for the job.

So now we get too the point where bias comes in. I recently had a convo with a few people about what's all going on now in the Trump administration. I told them that yes there is some form of corruption in this administration. They immediately got mad as if I were attacking them and brought up Hilary and even went as far as to say the FBI is wasting their time and Comey deserved to be fired. This is why I'm reserved from talking politics because tons of people don't know how to remove the bias they have and look at actual facts. The truth is yes as of right now there is no evidence that directly links our President to collision with the Russians that we know of. But here are some facts we do know.

1.) The Russians interfered with the 2016 election that is a fact

2.)The FBI has direct evidence that links Trumps campaign manager Paul Manafort and former security advisor Mike Flynn to illegal ties to Russia.

3.)Trump fired former FBI director James Comey because of the Russian investigation our President publicly admitted that. This is also possible obstruction of justice.

4.)Jeff Sessions our attorney general recused himself from any ties to this investigation after it was found out he had direct contact with an Russian ambassador and talked about the current sanctions imposed on Russia.

These are just some of the facts that are not debatable and as everyday goes by more and more information comes out as this investigation continues. This in itself should have every American citizen that voted furious and angry regardless of political party. What's even worse is the GOP party is doing what no political party should ever do "CHOOSING PARTY OVER COUNTRY" they are doing what's in their best interest and not what's in the best interest of our country right now. And trust me I truly believe if the shoe was on the other foot the Dems would be doing the same exact thing the Republicans are doing now.

As a voting citizen this is a situation where regardless of what your beliefs are, what political party or politician you support this shouldn't be tolerated regardless whoever is in office. This is real people, this is really happening, their is corruption going on in the highest levels of our government right now. And even though we may not always agree on certain issues between Republicans and Democrats the one thing we should always demand of them is having our country's and it's citizens best interest first over their own personal interest. And that is not happening right now. But like I said earlier as long as money is in our politics it will never have our full best interest.


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