Wednesday, July 13, 2016

The Reality of My Circumstances

The year was 2005 and I was a 17 year old senior at Plano East Senior High School. At this point I’ve had a very blessed and good upbringing. I grew up in a nice area of Mesquite, TX moved to Richardson TX with my father at the age of 15 and spent my high school years living in an upper middle class suburb.  Up to this point I had absolutely no negative encounters with anyone or anything basically. But one incident when I was 17 not only showed I was naïve, but also opened my eyes to the reality of my circumstances that I would likely have to deal with the rest of my life.

Growing up my dad and I would occasionally have conversations about racial issues. One time in particular when I was 16 I was with my dad in New York and I was reading a story in the newspaper about lawsuits against Denny’s and Cracker Barrel for racial discrimination. As I’m reading it I’m saying to myself no way this all really happened this is just an awful money grab attempt. I know this was common during the civil rights era but not today. I remember thinking to myself, “I’ve never seen or encountered anything close to this personally.” I showed my dad that article and he looked right at me and said he believed that a lot of that happened. He told me at that moment racism still exists very much especially in the south. My dad understood his circumstances being an African American man growing up in Mississippi during the 60’s and 70’era. But not only from his upbringing but also during his time working in corporate America as a former CFO.  His experiences made him realize the reality of his circumstances against him simply because he was an African American man in America.

A year later after my dad and I had that conversation in New York I had my first encounter at 17. One day after basketball practice I was in the locker room changing clothes getting ready to head home and my wallet fell out of my pocket as I pulled out my blue jeans from my locker. Without thinking I just instinctively put my wallet in my gym bag as I was gathering up my things to leave school. Shortly after getting my stuff I head to my car I put my gym bag in my trunk and start driving off to head home. After about 10 minutes of driving I come to a 4 way stop that I pass on my way home every single day. As I come to a complete stop at the 4 way stop I see a police SUV in the distance too my left. His lights were not on and the SUV was still a good distance away from even reaching the stop sign. I immediately drive forward after coming to a complete stop and after about 3 minutes I see the police SUV right behind me and the lights come on pulling me over. I’m at this point just absolutely baffled as to why he’s pulling me over. I wasn’t speeding, I came to a complete stop, his lights weren’t on and I clearly got to the stop sign well before he did. I just kept asking myself, why is he pulling me over?

As the officer knocks on my window and I roll my window down. He does what every officer does on a routine traffic stop. He asks for my license and registration. I immediately remembered my license is in my trunk because I threw my wallet in my gym bag as I was leaving the locker room. I gave the officer my insurance but politely told him my license is in my gym bag in the trunk and I can give you my license number right now and if necessary get my license out of my gym bag. The officer without hesitation got extremely firm with me as he called me an irresponsible kid for not having my license on me or in the front of the car with me. At this point I calmly ask him, why did you pull me over? He doesn’t answer my question and he immediately opens my door and tells me to step out of the car. I unbuckle my seat belt and step out. As I’m now out of my car standing right in front of him I again calmly ask him, why did you pull me over? He still doesn’t answer my question. The very next thing he does is he starts to look through my driver side door as the window is down. He then grabs his flashlight and starts to look in my car. I than ask him, “Sir are you looking for something?” He flashes that bright light directly in my face and says too me, “should I be looking for something?” I tell him I have absolutely nothing in my car so he tells me, “Than I shouldn’t have anything to worry about” as he illegally searches my car by opening my driver side doors and glazing with his flashlight in my car.

So by this point I’m beyond frustrated but yet very nervous which is slightly turning into fear because I have no idea what could or is about to happen. I just stay calm and again I politely ask him for about the 5th time Sir why did you pull me over?  He then asks me in an extremely firm and frustrated tone, “did you not see me?” I answer yes sir I did. So he asks me why didn’t you give me the right away? I mention to the officer that his lights weren’t on and I came to the 4 way stop first and you weren’t close to the stop sign. He immediately calls me the typical teenage kid. So I ask him, “That’s why you pulled me over for not giving you the right away when clearly you didn’t have it in this situation?” The officer looked right at me and said with his aggressive tone, “When you see a police car you always give him the right away. Have more respect for your officers” He then tells me because since I’m irresponsible here’s my ticket for not having a license even though I had my license in my trunk and I told him I could’ve easily given him my license number.

At this point the officer gets back in his SUV and drives off. I get back in my car and I literally sit there in complete anger and frustration yet relieved I’m able to go home. I just thought to myself what an asshole. I did absolutely nothing wrong, but yet all of this happened. This can’t be right. I drive home and I just storm through the front door and run upstairs. Clearly my dad knows something is wrong. I’m just standing in my little brother’s room and my dad comes up and he asks me am I ok. I just tell my dad what I just went through with this cop. My dad looks right at me and tells me this is the reality of being black. That cop pulled you over and picked on you because he saw a young black kid in this neighborhood probably playing rap music and immediately built up a negative perception. My dad just told me if I ever come across an officer no matter what stay calm cool and collected at all times, comply with him with everything, don’t make any sudden movements, and most importantly NEVER GIVE THEM A REASON. The moment you give a bad cop with an agenda a reason you’re going in handcuffs or god forbid worse. My dad told me he’s dealt with the same situation on more than one occasion. Where he was pulled over or encountered an officer who purposely abused their power just waiting for my dad to give them a reason.  At that moment I realized how naïve I’ve been and I realized the reality of my circumstances. I’m a young black man in America and this is the obstacles I will have to likely deal with the rest of my life.

That was 11 years ago as I’ve gotten older and more mature I’ve come to understand the true reality of being a young African American in this country. It’s built in institutional racism that has sadly become a part of this country’s identity. This institutional racism has built an unconscious negative perception of blacks especially black men. The worst part of this perception is, were seen as a threat. I’ve walked into a dollar general before in the past and have been followed from a distance by an employee being watched like a hawk while other customers shop with no issues. I once bought a Gatorade and a Twix at a 7-11. I came back in to get one more item and the cashier immediately accused me of stealing, even though I just bought the items minutes ago. The only reason that situation didn’t get out of hand was because another customer defended me telling the cashier I was just in line not even 5 minutes ago.  There are occasions where I have to be careful how I dress and present myself simply because of the area of town I know I’m going into. When I wear a hoodie I purposely never put the hoodie over my head at night regardless of how cold it is outside simply because I don’t want someone to get the wrong perception of me. These are the things I have to think and worry about on an almost regular basis.

I know all cops aren’t bad. I know there are way more good officers than bad. I don’t see the police as the enemy I see them same as I see the people who serve in our military. Brave individuals that do a very dangerous job for very low pay and at time underappreciated. I truly feel bad for the good cops whose job have now become impossible because the acts of the bad cops.  But the reality is just like every job and company has bad employees there is and will always be bad cops in the mix. As an African American man who has to deal with the unconscious negative perception I do get scared with every encounter with an officer. I know all it takes for me is to come across that one bad officer who has an agenda. Just one sudden movement, one tiny mistake, or just one misunderstanding and I could easily become the next statistic and the next protest. The incident I described at 17 if I would’ve reacted angry towards the officer about him illegally searching my car I likely would’ve been calling my dad from jail.  It’s sad that at 17 my dad had to have a conversation with me about how to act around an officer for my own safety. My mom and dad had to raise me to dress and act a certain way to avoid the negative perception. I know it’ll be tough for a lot of people who aren’t young African Americans to understand this. The best thing you can do is truly listen and to truly try to understand rather than just pick a side or rush judgment.  That’s the first step to take in solving this issue is realizing there is an issue.  Communication and dialogue is what’s needed most. Until we all understand these issues and start looking at each other as equal human beings things won’t get better for all parties.

My name is Jonathan Baker I’m a 28 year old from middle class suburbs, who’s a college educated man, who owns his own business, and who’s never been arrested or been to jail. I’m one of the nicest laid back guys you’ll ever come across. I'm Black lives Matter, Blue Lives Matter, and All Lives Matter. The loss of life is never the answer. Yet because I’m a young African American man this is the reality of my circumstances.  

Monday, March 14, 2016

NCAA Tournament March Madness My Bracket Tips and Insight

     Hey guys I know this is a business blog lol, but if anyone truly knows me being a former college basketball player this is by far my favorite time of the year sports wise. The NCAA tournament is my favorite sporting event, yes even over the super bowl lol.  So in saying that lets take a moment and step away from business for a minute and lets talk some NCAA tournament basketball for all the college basketball fans. So here are my tips and rules to follow in filling out your bracket. And what teams to stay away from and who are some sleepers.

     First before you start filling out your bracket there are 3 crucial rules that I follow every single year. 
 Rule #1 Never pick a 16 seed over a 1 seed upset. It will happen one day there have been a few really close calls but it hasn't happened yet so don't put your eggs in that basket.

Rule #2 Always have at least one double digit seed between a 10 seed and a 13 seed to make the sweet 16. It happens basically every single year.

Rule #3 NEVER EVER UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES!!!!!! Put all 4 #1 seeds in the Final Four it does not happen. Only once in the entire history of the NCAA tournament has that happened. So don't do it. In reality you should look for at least 2 #1 seeds that will go down potentially one of them at the sweet 16 round.

     Picking upsets is a little difficult mainly because you have to have some luck in hoping it actually happens. When looking for potential upsets I look for two things. first thing is looking for teams I'm very certain are over-seeded aka Over-rated and got seeded too high. The second thing I look for is for the higher seeded team that could get upset is inconsistent guard play and lack of match-up problems. Power 5 teams that don't have major match-up advantages against the little guy are always vulnerable. Most of these smaller schools and mid majors already have great guard play that's why there in the tourney now, but a lot of them don't have a lot of depth or size down low so if they play a power 5 school that doesn't have legit big men that causes problems for them down low and or plays small ball a lot watch out.  (Yeah I'm talking to you Villanova) 

So here are a few sleeper teams that I think can potentially make some noise in the tourney. I'm not saying their going to the Final Four but sleeper teams that could either have a huge upset or make a sweet 16 run. 

1.) Saint Joseph's- I won't lie yesterday was my first and only time watching these guys play. I watched them in the A-10 title game. I came away extremely impressed by this team. They are long and play serious D. The other thing is they have big men that can stretch the floor and play from the perimeter that causes match-up issues for a lot of teams. From what I saw if I'm a power 5 team that is one mid major I do not want to play in the first round. Cincinnati will have its hands full with these guys in the first round.  

2.) Stephen F. Austin- This is a team that has dominated the Southland Conference the past 3 years. They have good guard play from senior guard Thomas Walk-up. I also like their matchup against West Virginia. SFA lead the country in forced turnovers West Virginia was the second best. West Virginia's style of play goes into exactly what SFA loves to do. Just like in boxing and MMA styles makes fights. Sometimes that's true in basketball. 

3.) California- I'm putting California on this list because simply put it they just have a ton of talent on this team. Granted 2 of their best 3 players are freshman but 3 of their starting 5 players will be called in the 1st round in the NBA draft come June. Ivan Rabb and Jaylen Brown are two very talented freshman that will both go top 10 in the draft. But what gives me some confidence is their lead guard is a senior in Tyrone Wallace who's the 3rd NBA talent on this team. 98% of teams don't have an NBA player on their roster this team has 3 and won 9 of their last 11 games coming into the tournament so they have some momentum. 

4.) Providence- They have maybe the best 2 player duo in the country in the best PG in the country in Kris Dunn who won Big East player of the year and Foward Ben Bentil who averaged 21 ppg and 8 rebs per game. They are a very dangerous 9 seed and are truly an under-seeded team.

Now here are some teams I think potentially everyone are high on but won't make the Final Four and potentially could be out early. 

1.) North Carolina- This is hurting me beyond belief because I'am a true die hard UNC Tarheel fan. I preach God made the sky Carolina Blue. But they have just been way too inconsistent for me to feel comfortable. UNC is without question the most talented team in the nation from top to bottom and when they are on there's not a team they can't beat. But man when it comes down the stretch they have had numerous games where they just folded late especially with their guard play. Marcus Paige is a senior who has not had his best season and Joel Berry is good one day and not so good the next. Their best player is Brice Johnson and they have long stretches where they don't even give him the ball its mind boggling. Simply put it idk if I can trust this team. 

2.) Duke- This is a team that isn't very athletic, they don't have a ton of depth, and they are top heavy. They are over-seeded in my opinion as a 4 seed. I just don't see them making much noise this year. This is just a down year for Duke. Outside of Grayson Allen and Brandon Ingram they don't have much.

3.) Iowa State- They have a very good PG in Monte Morris and offensively they can score but they are not a good defensive team. Let's not forget last year in the tourney they didn't have an upset loss they had a bracket busting loss last year to a UAB team that wasn't very good. I don't expect much out of Iowa State and they were heavily over-seeded as a 4 seed. 

I'm still not finished on my final four picks as of yet but 2 teams I'm putting in for sure are
2.Michigan State

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

My Next Step in My Journey

    It's been a while since I did my last post. I've been really busy with the re-location of Heavensent Massage Clinic and working just been swamped with a lot of things. Things have now started to settle down a little bit now. But now is the point to where I've reached the next step in my entrepreneurial journey. Kev/Jon Capital Group LLC.

     Kev/Jon was originally was a business entity that my father formed many years ago when I was a child. I still remember him giving me my first business card for Kev/Jon I was the director of children affairs LOL! Well its time to take my dad's original company and build it. This is where the real hard work begins and hopefully starts to pay off. So what is Kev/Jon Capital Group? It's my business entity and investment company I'm starting. All of my business and investment assets will be under this entity. My goal is to build my company's AUM (Assets Under Management) up to a multi million dollar level. I want my companies AUM to be diverse into many different sectors such as ,Securities trading, Real Estate, Business ownership and franchises etc. This is the start of building up a company truly from the ground up. Of course I have a business plan and strategy in place.

     The first strategy put in place is to build up capital and cash flow for Kev/Jon. As you already know I'am co owner and business partner of a small business so the cash flow I receive from my business I will fund that into my company, The first step of using that cash flow is to build up enough capital to start growing my company. This is where securities trading comes into play. I'm currently in the process of hiring a Chief Investment Officer (CIO) for my company to help me with the securities trading. My CIO and I will follow our investment strategy that I already have in place. My securities strategy is to use value investing in finding companies and stocks that are deemed undervalued with potential to grow and buy call or leap options on those stocks. options on undervalued stocks are much cheaper and mitigate your exposure. So in doing this if were wrong on a stock were only wrong small but if were right were potentially right BIG. We will also search and study which affordable stocks have good paying dividends that are safe (Low payout ratio/High cash flow). I will also have another business partner investing in the Forex market. Overtime hopefully were successful enough to where we have enough capital and cash flow through our securities trading to where my CIO can go full time running that department of our company while I start to diverse my company in investing in business and franchises.
     People have asked me in the past what do I personally look for when investing in a potential business or franchise. In any business I look for 3 things, Low overhead and operating cost, wide margins, self generating payroll. Examples of businesses that meet these are Bars, Massage clinics and even car dealership lots. Franchises are good but you don't have 100% control but if the margins are wide enough and the franchise fee is low I will also consider them.  I will always tend to stay away from business that are heavy cash flow that require a ton of money up front and 100% of all profits are made on the back end. Those type of business are too risky such as Record Labels, Films, promotional companies etc.

Eventually as I stated my ultimate goal is to grow my capital group into company that has a big company AUM in different sectors and maybe one day I can become a VC (Venture Capitalist). Hopefully one day I can look back and realize my dad's original idea finally came to fruition.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Being Smart With Your Money

So many people that I've talked too about money or trying to start a business have told me, I want to open up my own business or I want to do other things but I just don't have the money. The truth is everyone can put themselves in a better financial position it's all about better educating yourself and learning to be smart with your money. So here are a few tips from me on things to do on being smart with your money. 

1.) Your Money Should Always Be Working- One of the biggest mistakes so many people make even if they are not living paycheck to paycheck is just putting their money in their savings account and having it sit there. To the average person that looks great but the truth is when you understand how finance and economy works you'll realize that in retrospect your money in your savings account is actually losing value. How is that possible? Easy INFLATION, you don't put into account of inflation that increases by small percentages every year. if your money is not always working than as inflation increases every year the value of your savings account decreases. Think long term I personally am not a big fan of Bank CD's because the ROI (return on investment) on them are so low, but it's better than nothing. Even putting your money in a fixed interest account and get back roughly 2%-3% ROI back per year your at least your beating the rate of inflation and having your money work for you. Never just have your money just sit have it always working. 

2.) Become Frugal- Now you say well I want to invest but I don't have the funds I'm truly living paycheck to paycheck with 2 kids. I understand those situations but there are always things you can do to put yourself in better position. Truly take a hard long look at your finances and see where you can make even the smallest of cutbacks. Whether if its cutting down on groceries by even say $20 a month or driving less to save on gas, or the big one keeping all of your spare change and cashing it in every month. Learn to become as frugal as possible if your in this situation. Even if you can only save $20 a month at best at the end of a year you would have saved $240 that's more than enough to get yourself started to have your money work for you. their are apps such as Acorns and other platforms you can use that will put that money in the stock market for you. You don't need thousands of dollars to start investing. 

3.) Become Better Educated- Do your research learn how finance and the economy works. Read books, search on google, watch YouTube videos, become consumed by it. The better educated you become the better you will become with your money. I personally started by reading investing for dummies when I was 22 years old. by the time I was 24 I had already started investing in many ways. I still to this very day constantly keep learning about the economy and investing. 

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Business Advice and Tips They Don't Teach You in College

For all you future entrepreneurs out there there you went to school you got a great education your ready to go right? Not so fast, There's a saying that sometimes life and experience is the best teacher. That is very true especially to being an entrepreneur. So here is some advice a tips to being an entrepreneur from both my personal experience and advice I've also received that you won't learn in any classroom.

1.) HAVE A LEGIT NICHE-  Everybody has an idea that they think or fully confident will work and make money. But unless your creating a brand new market someone has already thought of that idea or that market has already been established. So you have to have a legit niche that will separate you from your competitors. Example would be like you want to open up a restaurant that serves burger and fries. That market has already been established so you have to ask yourself, What is my niche? Why should people come to my restaurant and eat my burgers over Mcdonalds, Whataburer, or Wendy's? What separates me from them but will also be highly enticing and marketable? That's what having a legit nice is.

2.) EXECUTION- When starting your business you have to be able to execute your strategy and infrastructure. Just like in sports when the game is on the line you have to execute your game plan. No different in business you have to develop a great game plan (Strategy and infrastructure) and you have to be able to execute it flawlessly, especially if you want your business to potentially be a franchise.

3.) KNOW YOUR BUSINESS- Know your business inside and out better than anyone else. This is your baby there shouldn't be one aspect of your business that you do not know 100%. If you are partners with someone else and one person is handling the operations and the other person is handling the business aspect you both should be working just as hard learning the other aspects of your business, not just what your bringing to the business. KNOW EVERY ASPECT OF EVERYTHING.

4.) KNOW YOUR COMPETITION- You should know your competitors just as well as you know your own business. Every aspect of their operations from their marketing strategy, infrastructure, how they execute, you should even have your own projections of what you think they will do. Competition is key. If your competitor is making a mistake and you know it use that to your advantage to make your business or product better. You have to not only keep up with your competitors but also try and be one step ahead of them. One thing you'll learn in business its always easier just to be first.

5.) ADJUST TO YOUR MARKET- Whatever business sector your in, over time whether it's small or big your market will likely change to some degree. This is crucial when it comes to marketing your business the right way effectively. So whatever trend is currently happening in your business sector understand the changes in the market and adjust your marketing accordingly

6.) NEVER GET COMFORTABLE- This is one major mistake so many entrepreneurs and companies make. They get to a point where their successful and they get comfortable. When you get comfortable you end up like Blockbuster a billion dollar company that fell behind the competition and is now out of business. Everyday you walk into your business your mindset should be what can I do to make my business better. There are always many different ways to improve your business. The hard work and grind never stops. You have to work hard to make your business highly successful and than once you get there you have to work even twice as hard to stay there. "Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable."

7.) WHAT IS YOUR PLAN B- This is too me the most crucial tip and advice I give to everyone I talk too. When your developing your business treat your business like you would treat your financial portfolio. Don't over expose yourself by investing in one thing. What I mean by that is if and when your business starts to fail or struggle what is your plan B to hedge that situation. The truth is 75% of new and small business fail within 3-5 years. Your taking a big risk being an entrepreneur so you must mitigate that risk as much as possible. For instance your opening up a bar your regular business hours numbers are not going so well. It's not putting you in the black just yet. So this is when plan B comes into play which could be something like I have guaranteed contracts to use my bar as a venue which will bring me guaranteed cash flow that will offset my losses for my regular business hours. Not only will that give you much needed cash flow but it will keep you afloat while you try to bring in more customers for your regular hours. This is what the smart entrepreneurs do.